We've created an Ark Server Settings Generator

Updated 2022

Our Ark Server Settings Generator saves time and also ensures that you don’t make any mistakes when configuring your gameusersettings.ini file, so you can focus on what’s more important – running your server. The Ark Server Settings Generator generates the configuration file for you so that you don’t need to know how to use it but if you want to know what each setting does, simply hover your mouse over each option for a tooltip.

The Ark Server Settings Generator creates the GameUserSettings.ini file which is used for the most common modifications to make your Ark server. For example, changing harvest and experience multipliers.

We hope our Ark Server Settings Generator saves you from having to spend hours configuring settings in the GameUserSettings.ini file and trying to understand what all of the various settings do.

Due to the nature of this editor being quite large it will only display on desktop and tablet devices.

Please share our tool on social media!

Setting Value / Toggle
AllowTekSuitPowersInGenesis Turns on or off tek suit powers on the Genesis map.
EnableCryoSicknessPVE Enable or disable cryosickness.
bForceCanRideFliers Turns on or off allowing flying creatures on the Genesis map.
bUseOldThirdPersonCameraTrace Use old third person view camera after change in V304.3 (Unsure? Leave it off.)
bUseOldThirdPersonCameraOffset Use old third person aim offset view camera after change in V304.3 (Unsure? Leave it off.)
allowThirdPersonPlayer Enables 3rd Person view
bUseCorpseLocator In the event of death will shine a beacon of light on your corpse for easier retrieval.
AllowCaveBuildingPvE If set to True, allows building in caves when PvE mode is also enabled.
alwaysNotifyPlayerJoined Players will always get notified if someone joins the server
alwaysNotifyPlayerLeft Players will always get notified if someone leaves the server
bAllowFlyerCarryPvE Allows flyers to pick up players and dinos
bDisableStructureDecayPvE Disable the gradual (7 days) decay of player structures
DayCycleSpeedScale Specifies the scaling factor for the passage of time in the ARK, controlling how often day changes to night and night changes to day. The default value 1 provides the same cycle speed as the singleplayer experience (and the official public servers). Values lower than 1 slow down the cycle; higher values accelerate it. Base time when value is 1 appears to be 1 minute real time equals approx. 28 minutes game time. Thus, for an approximate 24 hour day/night cycle in game, use .035 for the value.
DayTimeSpeedScale Specifies the scaling factor for the passage of time in the ARK during the day. This value determines the length of each day, relative to the length of each night (as specified by NightTimeSpeedScale. Lowering this value increases the length of each day.
NightTimeSpeedScale Specifies the scaling factor for the passage of time in the ARK during night time. This value determines the length of each night, relative to the length of each day (as specified by DayTimeSpeedScale. Lowering this value increases the length of each night.
DinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaurs\' food consumption. Higher values increase food consumption (dinosaurs get hungry faster).
DinoCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaurs\' health recovery. Higher values increase the recovery rate (dinosaurs heal faster).
DinoCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaurs\' stamina consumption. Higher values increase stamina consumption (dinosaurs get tired faster).
DinoCountMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaur spawns. Higher values increase the number of dinosaurs spawned throughout the ARK.
DinoDamageMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for the damage dinosaurs deal with their attacks. The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values increase damage. Lower values decrease it
DinoResistanceMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for the resistance to damage dinosaurs receive when attacked. The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values decrease resistance, increasing damage per attack. Lower values increase it, reducing damage per attack. A value of 0.5 results in a dino taking half damage while a value of 2.0 would result in a dino taking double normal damage.
globalVoiceChat Voice chat turns global
HarvestAmountMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for yields from all harvesting activities (chopping down trees, picking berries, carving carcasses, mining rocks, etc.). Higher values increase the amount of materials harvested with each strike.
HarvestHealthMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for the \"health\" of items that can be harvested (trees, rocks, carcasses, etc.). Higher values increase the amount of damage (i.e. \"number of strikes\") such objects can withstand before being destroyed, which results in higher overall harvest yields.
MaxStructuresInRange (OUTDATED) Specifies the maximum number of structures that can be constructed within a certain (currently hard-coded) range.
noTributeDownloads Disables downloading characters from other servers
PreventDownloadSurvivors Prevents the download of survivors
PreventDownloadItems Prevents the download of items
PreventDownloadDinos Prevents the download of dinos
PreventUploadSurvivors Prevents Upload of Survivors.
PreventUploadItems Prevents Upload of Items.
PreventUploadDinos Disables dowPrevents Upload of Dinos.
TributeItemExpirationSeconds Sets expiration timer for uploaded items.
TributeDinoExpirationSeconds Set the expiration timer for uploaded dinos.
TributeCharacterExpirationSeconds Set the expiration timer for uploaded survivors.
PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for player characters' food consumption. Higher values increase food consumption (player characters get hungry faster).
PlayerCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for player characters\' health recovery. Higher values increase the recovery rate (player characters heal faster).
PlayerCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for player characters\' stamina consumption. Higher values increase stamina consumption (player characters get tired faster).
PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for player characters\' water consumption. Higher values increase water consumption (player characters get thirsty faster).
PlayerDamageMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for the damage players deal with their attacks. The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values increase damage. Lower values decrease it.
PlayerResistanceMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for the resistance to damage players receive when attacked. The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values decrease resistance, increasing damage per attack. Lower values increase it, reducing damage per attack. A value of 0.5 results in a player taking half damage while a value of 2.0 would result in taking double normal damage.
proximityChat Only players near each other can see their chat messages.
ResourceNoReplenishRadiusPlayers Defines the distance where there are no resources respawning when being close to a player
ResourceNoReplenishRadiusStructures Defines the distance where there are no resources respawning when being close to a structure
ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for the respawn rate for resource nodes (trees, rocks, bushes, etc.). Lower values cause nodes to respawn more frequently.
ServerAdminPassword If specified, players must provide this password (via the in-game console) to gain access to administrator commands on the server.
ServerPassword If specified, players must provide this password to join the server.
SpectatorPassword To use non-admin spectator, the server must specify a spectator password. Then any client can use these console commands: requestspectator and stopspectating. See patch 191.0 for more information and hotkeys.
ServerCrosshair Use this to disable optional hitmarkers for ranged attacked
serverForceNoHud HUD always disabled
serverHardcore Enables hardcore mode (player characters revert to level 1 upon death)
serverPVE Disables PvP, enables PvE
ShowMapPlayerLocation Show each player their own precise position when they view their map
StructureDamageMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for the damage structures deal with their attacks (i.e. spiked walls). The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values increase damage. Lower values decrease it.
StructureResistanceMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for the resistance to damage structures receive when attacked. The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values decrease resistance, increasing damage per attack. Lower values increase it, reducing damage per attack. A value of 0.5 results in a structure taking half damage while a value of 2.0 would result in a structure taking double normal damage.
TamedDinoDamageMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for tamed dinosaurs damage. A value of 2.0 doubles the inital amount, a value of 0.5 halfes it.
TamedDinoResistanceMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaurs fortitude. A value of 2.0 doubles the inital amount, a value of 0.5 halfes it.
TamingSpeedMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaur taming speed. A value of 2.0 doubles the inital amount, a value of 0.5 halfes it.
XPMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for the experience received by players, tribes and dinosaurs for various actions. The default value 1 provides the same amounts of experience as in the singleplayer experience (and official public servers). Higher values increase XP amounts awarded for various actions; lower values decrease it.
EnablePVPGamma Allows or disallows usage of gamma on PVP servers
EnablePVEGamma Allows or disallows usage of gamma on PVE servers
DifficultyOffset Specifies the difficulty level. This increased dino levels depending on the value set.
OverrideOfficialDifficulty Overwrites the difficulty settings
PvEStructureDecayPeriodMultiplier Specifies the scaling factor for the decay rate of player structures in PvE mode. The specific effect(s) of this option and its range of valid values are unknown as of this writing.
PvEStructureDecayDestructionPeriod Specifies the time required for player structures to decay in PvE mode. The specific effect(s) of this option and its range of valid values are unknown as of this writing.
Banlist Uses the global banlist of ARK to disallow players access who have been identified as cheaters
PvPStructureDecay Activates (true) oder deactivates (false) the structure decay on PVP servers
DisableDinoDecayPvE Deactivates the unclaiming functions for dinosaurs on PVE servers
PvEDinoDecayPeriodMultiplier Multiplier value for the unclaiming speed of dinosaurs
AdminLogging Enables the output of cheat commands that admins used (will be shown in chat)
MaxTamedDinos Defines the maximum amount of tamed dinos on the island
PreventMateBoost Disable Dino Mate Boost
MaxNumbersofPlayersInTribe Defines the maximum player limit per tribe
PreventTribeAlliances Turn this on to prevent tribe alliances.
TribeNameChangeCooldown Cooldown in minutes before next tribe name change is allowed.
BattleNumOfTribestoStartGame SOTF setting: Defines how many tribes must have been created before the countdown for game start begins
TimeToCollapseROD SOTF setting: Defines the time period for the force field to collapse
BattleAutoStartGameInterval SOTF setting: Defines the length of the countdown before match begins
BattleSuddenDeathInterval SOTF setting: Defines the time before sudden death starts
KickIdlePlayersPeriod Time period until an idling player will be kicked from server
PerPlatformMaxStructuresMultiplier Defines the multiplicator for structures on saddle plattforms (Please use with caution - too high values may lead to a massive lack of performance)
PlatformSaddleBuildAreaBoundsMultiplier Increases the number allows structures being placed further away from the platform
StructureDamageRepairCooldown Defines the cooldown time when a previously damaged structure can be repaired again. (0 allows the structure to be always repaired)
bForceAllStructureLocking Server Option to allow Locking All Item Containers
AutoDestroyOldStructuresMultiplier Server Option to allow Auto-Destroying Structures after sufficient \\\\\\\"no nearby Tribe\\\\\\\" time has passed (defined as a multiplier of the Allow Claim period)
bUseVSync Deactivates the VSync setting (can reduce GPU problems in some cases)
MaxPlatformSaddleStructureLimit Defines the maximum number of structures on top of the saddle platform
bPassiveDefensesDamageRiderlessDinos Wild dinos or dinos without a rider can take damage from defense structures like spikewalls if this setting is activated
RCONPort Defines the maximum number of structures on top of the saddle platform
RCONEnabled Turns on RCON
AutoSavePeriodMinutes After which time period (in minutes) the server should auto-save the game? (Hint: A more frequent interval may lead some lags)
RCONServerGameLogBuffer How many chat lines should be available in RCON.
OverrideStructurePlatformPrevention Determines if turrets are allowed on moving platforms or not. Yes will prevent it. No will allow it
PreventOfflinePvPInterval Defines the time period of being offline so that a player will be really considered as being offline.
bPvPDinoDecay Determines if dinos of a player/tribe are also protected in the activated offline raid protection
bPvPStructureDecay Determines if structures of a player/tribe are also protected in the activated offline raid protection
DisableImprintDinoBuff Deactivates (no) the bonus stats for a dino if you raise the baby by yourself
AllowAnyoneBabyImprintCuddle Allows everybody to kuddle with the dino baby
EnableExtraStructurePreventionVolumes Prevents the building of structures on places which are rich of resources
bAllowPlatformSaddleMultiFloors Turn on to allow building multiple platform floors.
ShowFloatingDamageText Shows dealt damages in a RPG style
DestroyUnconnectedWaterPipes If active, it will destroy the pipes automatically after two real-time days, if unconnected to any non-pipe (directly or indirectly) and no allied player is nearby.
TheMaxStructuresInRange New value for the maximum allowed structures nearby
MinimumDinoReuploadInterval Number of seconds cooldown between allowed Dino re-uploads (defaults to 0, set to 43200 on Official Servers which is 12 hours). Remaining cooldown time is displayed on the Dino Upload UI.
PvEAllowStructuresAtSupplyDrops Use "true" if you want to allow being able to build structures nearby supply drop. "false" will disable it.
NPCNetworkStasisRangeScalePlayerCountStart A new Wild NPC Stasis Range scaling-for-player-count option to scale server performance for more players
NPCNetworkStasisRangeScalePlayerCountEnd A new Wild NPC Stasis Range scaling-for-player-count option to scale server performance for more players
NPCNetworkStasisRangeScalePercentEnd A new Wild NPC Stasis Range scaling-for-player-count option to scale server performance for more players
MaxPersonalTamedDinos Quantity of dinos that a tribe is allowed to have (Default on official PVE servers is 500)
AutoDestroyDecayedDinos Option to auto-destroy claimable decayed dinos on load, rather than have them remain around as claimable. Official PvE servers now have this enabled.
ClampItemSpoilingTimes Will clamp all spoiling times to the items' maximum spoiling times. Useful if any infinite-spoiling exploits were used on the server and you wish to clean them up. Could potentially cause issues with Mods that alter spoiling time, hence it is an option.
UseOptimizedHarvestingHealth Server custom "HarvestAmountMultiplier" now works as it used to, to bias towards yielding rarer items. This is more costly for server performance, so if you want a more "optimized" server with high HarvestAmountMultiplier (but less rare items), you can launch with "Yes" in this setting here.
AllowCrateSpawnsOnTopOfStructures Servers can now allow from-the-air Supply Crates to appear on top of Structures, rather than being prevented by Structures. Enabled on Official Servers.
ForceFlyerExplosives Made all Flyers except for Quetz and Wyvern become 'grounded' if you put a C4 on them. To disable this behavior, launch server with "Yes"
PreventOfflinePvP Enables ORP on PVE/PVP servers if set to "Yes"
AllowFlyingStaminaRecovery Flyer Nerf (to allow server to recover Stamina when standing on a Flyer, run with "Yes"
AllowMultipleAttachedC4 Limited one C4 attached per dino, unless you choose "Yes" to allow more than one C4
OxygenSwimSpeedStatMultiplier Use this to set how swim speed is multiplied by level spent in oxygen.
bPvEDisableFriendlyFire When using "Yes", you are now able to harvest a slaughtered Ovis.
ServerAutoForceRespawnWildDinosInterval This will force respawns of dinos on servers to prevent certain dino types (like the Basilo and Spino) from becoming depopulated on long running servers. Specify a value in seconds (86400 means a forced respawn after one day (realtime) for example)
DisableWeatherFog Server option to disable fog.
RandomSupplyCratePoints Server Option to make Supply Crates random
CrossARKAllowForeignDinoDownloads This allows you to download Non-Aberration Dinos on Aberration
PersonalTamedDinosSaddleStructureCost Defines how many tame slots are being used by a saddle platform (with structures) - Default: 19
PreventSpawnAnimations Turns of the player spawning animation when respawning/joining an ARK for the first time.
AllowHideDamageSourceFromLogs Allows the hiding of damage sources in tribe logs.
ClampResourceHarvestDamage Limits damaged done by dino to a resource when harvesting.
ItemStackSizeMultiplier Use this to set how swim speed is multiplied by level spent in oxygen.
PreventDiseases Disable diseases.
NonPermanentDiseases Causes diseases to not be permanent and removed on respawn.
AlwaysAllowStructurePickup If turned on disables the timer for the quick-pickup system [ARK HOMESTEAD]
StructurePickupTimeAfterPlacement Increases the number allows structures being placed further away from the platform [ARK HOMESTEAD]
AllowIntegratedSPlusStructures If false disables all of the new S+ structures (intended mainly for letting unofficials that want to keep using the S+ mod version to keep using that without a ton of extra duplicate structures). [ARK HOMESTEAD]
StructurePickupHoldDuration Used to specify the quick-pickup hold duration. 0 to Disable and have instant pickup [ARK HOMESTEAD]
AllowMultipleTamedUnicorns Off = One Unicorn on map at a a time. On = One wild and unlimited tamed on map.
UnicornSpawnInterval How long the game should wait before spawning a new Unicorn if the wild one is killed (or tamed, if AllowMultipleTamedUnicorns is enabled). This value sets the minimum amount of time (in hours), and the maximum is equal to 2x this value.
VolcanoIntensity The lower the value, the more intense the volcano's eruption will be. Recommended to leave at 1. The minimum value is 0.25, and for multiplayer games, it should not go below 0.5. Very high numbers will basically disable the flaming rocks flung out of the volcano.
VolcanoInterval 0 = 5000 (min) - 15000 (max) seconds between instances of the volcano becoming active. Any number above 0 acts as a multiplier, with a minimum value of .1
EnableVolcano Enables/Disables the volcano. If off it will not become active.
MaxPlayers Specifies the maximum number of players that can play on the server simultaneously.
SessionName Name of your server
Duration Specifies the duration of the welcome messag
Message Defines a welcome message